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Les Commentaires : Une nouvelle ceinture noire

Christophe Helie ceinture noire
So true. Honesty and everything recgonized.
I wonder if some pelope have misconceptions about karate because they can't tell the different martial arts apart, and they end up calling everything karate . I used to practice Wing Chun and a bit of Arnis but not karate, so I liked learning more about it from your posts!I have to admit that I didn't know karate had so many branches. I think it's sad when girls don't want to get into martial arts because they view it as a guy thing . Like you said, it's not about being big and strong. About a Wonder Woman movie, there's rumors that there might be a Black Widow movie, which I think would be great :)
I read your post and wisehd I was good enough to write it